
Forms also have a robust shorthand props API for generating controls wrapped in FormFields. See shorthand examples below.


Form Subcomponents

Render a field containing a label and form control. All form control components are available.

<Form.Input label='Enter Password' type='password' />


  <label>Enter Password</label>
  <Input type='password' />

Field with Custom Control

Render a field containing a label and custom form control. Use any component from any library, or your own.

<Form.Field label='Date' control={CustomCalendar} start='1' end='7' />


  <CustomCalendar start='1' end='7' />

Field with Custom Label

You can define a label with props object.

You can define a label by passing your own element.

Field with HTML Control

The field control prop also works with HTML tags.

<Form.Field label='Quantity' control='input' type='number' max={5} />


  <input type='number' max={5} />

Accessible Labels

Adding an id to a shorthand Form.Field adds a matching htmlFor prop to the label. In case of an error, the aria-describedby prop is used to connect the error label to the form field.

Adding an id to a Form subcomponent adds a matching htmlFor prop to the label.



A field is a form element containing a label and an input.



If a form is in loading state, it will automatically show a loading indicator.


If a form is in an success state, it will automatically show any success message blocks.


If a form is in an error state, it will automatically show any error message blocks.


If a form is in warning state, it will automatically show any warning message block.

Field Error

Individual fields may display an error state.

Disabled Field

Individual fields may be disabled.

Read-Only Field

Individual fields may be read only.

Form Variations


A form can vary in size.


A form on a dark background may have to invert its color scheme.

A form can prevent itself from stacking on mobile.

Field Variations


A field can have its label next to instead of above it.


A field can specify its width in grid columns.


A field can show that input is mandatory.

Form.Field shorthand can also be required.

Group Variations

Evenly Divided

Fields can have their widths divided evenly.

When using the widths='equal' prop declaration on a Form.Group, all child Form.Dropdown, Form.Input, Form.Selectcomponents must be rendered with a fluid prop to work correctly.


Multiple fields may be inline in a row.


A form group can prevent itself from stacking on mobile, too.



Our <Form /> handles data just like a vanilla React <form />. See React's controlled components docs for more.

Capture Values

You can capture form data on change or on submit.

Clear On Submit

You can clear form values on submit.

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